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Who I Am In Christ - FEARLESS

Lisa Collier Clewis

Do you ever really think about what is on your mind when you wake up and why you woke up thinking about that? Did you know that you spend one third of your life sleeping and that sleeping is crucial for your health? While you are sleeping your brain forms new memories, boost learning and creativity, flushes toxic molecules from your brain and so much more. But how does your brain determine what you are thinking about when you wake up? Could it be linked to what you are thinking about when you go to sleep or to what keeps you awake when you need sleep?

When I wake up I am usually waking with a grateful heart and I thank God for the many times that he has healed me, helped me, protected me, supported me and gotten me through something. Sometimes I wake up with a song on my mind. It is usually a song that blesses me and makes me feel good and sets the tone for the day. Other times I wake up with a verse on my mind and it helps me to deal with something that I have been struggling with. Sometimes it is the answer to a prayer.

This morning when I first woke up I woke up grateful for God healing me from different ailments that I have had over the years. Then 2 Timothy 1:7 drifted softly into my mind and slowly saturated my entire being as I meditated on this verse. 2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear (timidity, fearfulness, cowardice); but of power (ability), and of love (goodwill, kindness) , and of a sound mind (moderation and self-control).

I thought about how God wants us to be fearless. God doesn't want for us to be timid or afraid. He has given us the ability to do what we need to do and what he wants us to do. He has implanted his love in us which springs forth to others in blooms of goodwill and kindness. God has given each one of us a purpose. God has called us with an holy calling, not according to our own works, but according to his own purpose and grace. 2 Timothy 1:9. What is your calling? What excites you and comes from your heart? What does your heart ache to do?

Before I go to sleep at night I reel in my thoughts and exercise the sound mind that God has given me and gain self-control. I think about how God has blessed me, healed me, protected me and given me the opportunity to be a blessing to others. Sometimes I make a mental list and drift to sleep feeling blessed and grateful. Other times I think about a particular promise that God has made and I claim it in the name of Jesus, saying it over and over like a mantra until I fall asleep.

That is so much better than tossing and turning in fear of what has happened or 'what if' something happened. I can not change anything that I do not have control over and it is a waste of my time rolling it over and over in my head and waking up a complete wreck the next day. If you have the power to change something then it is worth thinking about. If you do not, give it to God and let him work it out. If the thoughts keep arising in your mind then keep bringing your mind back to a promise or a particular verse that applies to your situation.

By controlling our thoughts we are exercising 2 Timothy 1:7 and can fall asleep peacefully and wake up in a peaceful state. If your thoughts run away from you and cause you to be anxious and fearful then practice being in control of your thoughts. God gave us the tools that we need to be confident,calm and successful day and night.

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