We don't try to live right with the standards that Jesus set to be superior over others, but to be humble and to love others with a Christlike love. We don't serve a church or denomination because we are people pleasers, but because we are active members of a church and care about our brothers and sisters in Christ and are doing our part in the church and the body of Christ using the gifts and talents that God has given to each of us. We aren't in a cult because we spend much of our free time worshiping God and helping others and witnessing to others, but we are ambassadors for Christ and when non-believers see our Christlike love they realize that God is real and he is love. God loves us unconditionally. He doesn't expect us to be perfect. His grace covers our imperfections. And yes bad things happen to people who love and serve God, Jesus said they would, but he never leaves us nor forsakes us and one day we will spend eternity with a new body that never gets tired or sick; happy, peaceful, worshipping and praising God. I can not imagine anyone who was persecuted in Christ saying that he would go back and live for himself to have an easier and longer life. I can't imagine a child of God who has died whether young or old who would come back and live for himself and deny God even if it meant a longer life. To live is Christ. To die is gain. Don't judge me for living for Christ, because he died for me. Don't condemn me for making mistakes and doing or saying the wrong thing, because God loves me in all my imperfections and has clothed me in righteousness and I can ask for forgiveness and strength because I am given both. Try not to allow the whole 'bad things happen to good people or people turn their back on you or you have made too many mistakes or will never be good enough' to come between you and living with a healthy relationship with God and your brothers and sisters in Christ and cheat you out of the anointing of the holy spirit. Christians are human and Satan tries real hard to break us and tear us down and the largest part of the spiritual battle is in an individuals mind where Satan attacks with thoughts of worry, fear, condemnation, guilt and so much more. Being a part of the body of Christ, and being a member of a church gives you extra protection and someone to edify you with the word of God and so much more. GOD LOVES AND SO I.Â
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You Are In Christ
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