One particular verse that has helped me a lot over the years is Romans 8:1. I have always had a problem with guilt. For as long as I can remember if I do the least little thing wrong my conscience eats me alive from the inside out. I struggled with fears of inadequacy and lacked self esteem. Studying God's word, his promises, and who he says I am in Christ has helped me to overcome this. Sometimes when I get real run down or sick these old mindsets will try to creep back up on me but I'll get the Holy Bible and sit down and read what God says about me, reminding myself of who I am in Christ. In Romans 8:1 I not only learned what condemnation is but realized how that old adversary uses it to cause defeat. If we feel condemned we stop dead in our tracks. We feel defeated, ashamed, guilty, unworthy, unlovable and inadequate. Condemnation means the action of condemning someone to a punishment; sentencing. When we're walking after the Spirit and not the flesh there is no condemnation. God made us in his likeness. He made us strong, resilient, intelligent life forces that can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. God made us all unique. He gave us all gifts and strengths and when we tap into that uniqueness and euphoria that we get when we do what comes natural to us, our talent, and do it for the Lord we will soar. God made us to move. He made us to excel in certain areas whether it's math or a special gift for understanding where people are coming from or the ability to lead or teach or draw it is our skill, our forte. There is no perfect life but there is perfect living and that's manifesting the fruit of the spirit in every area of our life. To do that we have to believe in God's grace, his unconditional love, his forgiveness and how he's forgotten our sin and we have to be kind to ourselves. We're human. We shouldn't sin willingly. Sometimes we say things we shouldn't, do things when we know we knew better, make bad decisions, don't always have the right reaction at the right moment but we're being molded and shaped daily by the Holy Spirit. We have to guard ourselves, guard the words that come out of our mouths, guard our actions. We have to continuously feed ourselves the word of God. We all make mistakes that's being human but we learn from it and move forward. Love yourself. You are God's pride and joy. You are the apple of his eye. He created you for a reason. He created you for him. He loves you and wants not only to have a relationship with you but to be close to you. God didn't make any mistakes. He made diamonds. Find your sparkle. There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Romans 8:1 KJV Lisa CÂ
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You Are In Christ
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