God is so good to me. Throughout my life God has healed me many times. At revival he healed me from bone disease, arthritis, and he made my spine perfectly aligned with the proper amount of space between each vertebrae. I've had a long journey with my spine. I suffered from debilitating pain for a very long time before anyone found what caused it. Pinched and damaged nerves made it feel as though the pain was mid back instead of in my neck so it kept getting missed. By the time it was found I had three herniated disc, spinal cord impingement (1 place was from a bony bone spur-the kind that could sever), spinal canal stenosis, and many pinched and damaged nerves. Praise God, his hand was on me the whole time. Sometimes God let's us go through some stuff but we don't go through it alone. The surgeon didn't believe the MRI was mine. He said if it was mine I'd have trouble walking, my legs would fall out from under me. Praise God, I had that happen one time but I knew in my spirit something was wrong and I put it in God's hands. It never happened again. He said I'd be urinating on myself. Praise God! He kept me from that too. He said I'd drop things. That had happen but just like the other two I immediately put it in God's hands when I knew in my spirit there was a problem. I don't know why God allowed me to go through it but I know I didn't go through it alone and I've got some powerful testimonies because of it. My neck was in such bad shape that I had to wear a neck brace before surgery to avoid my spinal cord being cut into by a bone spur. My surgery was a success. Years later I developed a bone spur on my spine, under the metal plate that is attached to my cervical spine. I went to a pain management doctor who sent me to a surgeon for surgery to remove it. Praise God before surgery could be set up he healed me. The surgeon took me to a computer screen and showed me it was there and then showed me the last test which showed it was gone. Since then he has healed me from spinal canal stenosis and a bulging disk. God is a mighty God. He is a powerful God. He is a living God. He is just as powerful now as he was when he led his people out of Egypt. He told Moses his name is I AM and boy is he. He is the God of healing. He is the God of restoration. He is the God of forgiveness. He is out safety net, our comforter, our best friend that we can go to anytime of the day or night. This week I was healed once again by Almighty God. The man of God laid his hands on me, the Holy Spirit revealed that I had arthritis and bone disease and that I woke up all through the night to reposition my head or body because of the pain and discomfort in my neck and body, and I had sharp pains shooting up the back of my head. Praise God, the pain and stiffness are gone. Friends, at times the pain was so bad I thought about shaving underneath my hair so that I could rub my prescription pain cream up the back of my head. I'm no longer in pain or stiff. I can sleep without waking up to readjust my head or my body. I'm not waking up in pain or discomfort or with stiffness. I'm able to sleep longer than six hours. Praise God, I have been healed. I'm going to have to start setting my alarm clock again because I'm sleeping anywhere from seven to nine and a half hours. I was so tired and wore out from the pain and lack of sleep. And praise God that's not all, two years ago, 14February2017, he gave me a word that I would lay hands on people and they will receive the Holy Spirit and healing. This week at revival God told me it was time, he had anointed with with the laying on of hands. Than not long after that the Evangelist (an anointed man of God, strong in the Holy Spirit), said the Holy Spirit told him there was someone there whom God has given the desire to be anointed with the laying on of hands and my hands were anointed and I was anointed with 'the laying on of hands'. Praise God, he gives us a dream, a desire, he has a plan for us and he keeps us to do that which we have committed to him. Praise God for being my loving Father, my best friend, my teacher, my healer, my Redeemer and so much more. He is my everything and everyone to me. If you've got a problem, go to God with a contrite heart, ask to be forgiven of all your sins, pour your heart out to him and believe, then hang on, because he's going to do big things in your life. LisaÂ
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