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Right Relationship With God Day 4

Lisa Collier Clewis

God loves you right now, where you are, from the top to the bottom, inside and out. He loves you. He loves you so much that he gave his Son for you. He allowed his only Son to come to earth, have a body like ours, live in this world like we do and suffer the things that we suffer. And he, Jesus, gave his life for us so that we can be washed clean of sin, be given eternal life and be filled with the holy spirit.

When we accept Jesus as our Savior and confess him as our Savior who died on the cross for our sins and was raised from the dead we are saved. That's all there is to it. We just have to believe. The holy Trinity God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit did all the work so we can be set free from sin and have eternal life with them. Now that doesn't mean that we don't have to do any work.

We have to work at being the best we can be in Christ every day. We might mess up every day. That's okay. God sees in our heart that we are thankful for what he did for us and that we love him and appreciate him so much that we want to be the best we can be for him. When we get saved we are absolved from sin but we still have a human mind and nature. The human mind and nature is like an anchor in worldly things. It wants what it wants. But when we got saved we were changed spiritually. We now are filled with the holy spirit who teaches us, leads us, guides us and so much more. The holy spirit is our anchor in our spirit, our Christ nature. The two, our human nature and our Christ nature, war against one another. The things of this world, sin, aren't of God and can't be. Our Christ nature isn't of this world and can't be.

You have a battle between good and evil going on inside you. I like to explain it like this. You have two wolves who are opposed to one another. They're always fighting. One represents the sin nature in you. The other represents the Christ nature in you. Who is going to win? Whichever wolf you feed the most will win. Are you feeding your human nature with things that persuade you to sin? Or are you feeding your Christ nature by saturating your mind and environment with things that will persuade you to live right according to what you know in your heart and in the back of your mind is right?

Every day is a new day. We start over with a fresh start. Grace is poured out over us every morning. Regardless of what you did the night before you're still God's kid. He still loves you. He's not going to stop being your parent. He's not going to disown you. Just know that every day is another chance to be the best you can be in Christ. It gets easier but exhaustion and trouble can wear you down, cause you to let your guard down and you sin again. But God knows your heart. He knows you're trying because you love him and appreciate him. He's here to help you.

Lisa C


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