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Share The Good News

I often think of the scriptures that instruct us to edify one another. Strengthen others. Encourage others. Comfort others. Always be ready to give hope, to build one another up in faith. And always be ready to share your testimony with people. Wherever you are, plant seeds of love and kindness. When you look for ways to do this, you will day by day transform into someone who is more Christlike.

I often think of the scriptures that instruct us to edify one another. Strengthen others. Encourage others. Comfort others. Always be ready to give hope, to build one another up in faith. And always be ready to share your testimony with people. Wherever you are, plant seeds of love and kindness. When you look for ways to do this, you will day by day transform into someone who is more Christlike. I often think of the scriptures that instruct us to edify one another. Strengthen others. Encourage others. Comfort others. Always be ready to give hope, to build one another up in faith. And always be ready to share your testimony with people. Wherever you are, plant seeds of love and kindness. When you look for ways to do this, you will day by day transform into someone who is more Christlike.

Jesus said, "No greater love is this, then to lay down your life for your brother." Put trivial things to the side and put the needs of the people you meet ahead of your own. You'll be glad you did. The happiness, the joy, that you'll feel when you see the person you're helping light up will far outweigh the importance of the small thing that you were stressing over. Start looking for opportunities to show kindness and let the light of Christ who is the light of the world shine through you.


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